Sod Care Guidelines

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Weeks 1 – 2


  • Immediately water sod upon installation.  Water until it feels spongy to the step.
  • Keep sod and soil (3-4 in. of top soil) moist all throughout the day.  Water at least twice/day for 15-20 minutes (depending on coverage).  If the sod edges are pulling apart, you are not watering enough.  Do not let it dry out. 
  • Limit non-essential foot traffic.

Weeks 3 – 4


  • Reduce frequency of waterings, while increasing the length of each watering.  At a minimum, water every other day for at least 30 minutes.  In hot and arid conditions, continue with daily watering. 
  • Mow your grass ~14 days after installation, when your sod is approx. 3.5 in. tall.  Mowing low causes great stress to new sod.  Take no more than one-third of the grass length with each mowing. 

Other Tips

  • Water in the early morning.  Watering at night may lead to an increase in mushrooms due to prolonged moisture on grass overnight.
  • The edges of your lawn will dry out first. When too dry, the dark green hue of Kentucky Blue Grass tends to get a slight blue hue before turning yellow. Give extra water to the edges if you notice a difference in color with the rest of the lawn.
  • A sprinkler will give much more even coverage than you can hand watering. We recommend investing in an automatic watering timer if you don’t have underground sprinklers.
  • Check soil moisture content by pulling up a corner of sod and poking the ground with a screwdriver.  If screwdriver can penetrate the soil with relative ease, you have enough water.  If not, it is too dry.
  • Once the sod is well-established, apply ~1 inch of water per week.
